Posts tagged NC State Senator Wiley Nickel
Will the Newly Drawn NC Maps Stand? Wiley Nickel Prepares for Run in 13th District

From preparing to run in a crowded liberal stronghold, to a possible 50-50 toss up district, NC State Senator Wiley Nickel’s race for the U. S. House of Representatives could look vastly different, should the newly drawn Congressional maps stand up in court. You may remember our piece last month, with Senator Nickel. At that point, the battle over the Congressional maps was largely undecided. As the result of heavily gerrymandered maps drawn by Republicans, the NC Supreme Court was to decide their constitutionality. Subsequently, the NC Supreme Court ruled against the gerrymandered maps and ordered them redrawn. Now, after passing both houses in the NC Congress, the new maps are once again before the court.

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